Shalvata Mental Health Center Israel

Shalvata Mental health center

Shalvata was founded in 1956 by the “Clalit”, the largest MHO in Israel.  The vision of the founders was to establish a unique facility developing advanced methods of therapy based on a thorough, humanistic and psychoanalytically-oriented understanding of the human psyche.

Shalvata is located in 22 acres of grounds lined and landscaped area in the heart of Hod Hasharon City. Much thought has gone into the design environment to create a peaceful atmosphere that will enable treatment that promotes healing, recovery and rehabilitation. Since its establishment, thousands of patients have been treated in Shalvata, which became a magnet for students and professionals to train in state-of-the-art therapies.

Shalvata was one of the first mental health centers that adopted the Community-Based approach in psychiatry. Its community-based clinics and psychiatric-consultation services successfully actualizes this approach, providing full-range solution for a wide range of emotional problems (adjustment disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, obsessive disorders, post traumatic disorders, affective and psychotic disorders).

Shalvata consists of 4 adult in-patients  departments, each encompassing the full range of therapeutic modalities needed by the patients, a Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, a day -care department, and a highly-developed network of Community-Based Clinics for adults (in Hod Hasharon, Kfar saba, Raanana, and a crisis center in the ambulatory section of Shalvata), and three Children and Adolescent Clinic (in Hod Hasharon, Herzliya, and Kfar-Saba ["Gesher" Center for treating teens in crisis situations]).  In addition to these, Shalvata provides specialized services for assessment and rehabilitation, ECT, a unit specializing in study cognitive functions, and a Families Support Center for the mentally-ill patients.

Therapeutic approach

Shalvata's therapeutic approach integrates biological, psychological and rehabilitative therapies, as well as occupational interventions and other healing therapies. Medications are used according to the state-of-the-art recommendations. Psychotherapies (individual, couple, family and group interventions) are tailored according to the patient's needs. Expressive therapies (bibliotherapy, psychodrama, drama-therapy, animal-assisted therapy, art therapy and music therapy), as well as other non-verbal therapies, are available.

Shalvata is a major center for training mental health experts. Affiliated to the Sackler School of Medicine, Shalvata trains students from all the leading universities in Israel. Not surprising, therefore, that in the past 60 years Shalvata maintains its leading position as an attractive center for residents in all therapeutic professions.

Characteristics of activity:

Shalvata serves a total population of 500,000 people. It has a low ratio of beds-to-population, and the service approach is based on the provision of effective therapies in a relatively short period of time. In order to provide the best possible therapy, the in-hospital and out-patient facilities of the Shalvata Mental Health Center are fully integrates, and the same team provides remedy to the patient during the various phases of the disease. This  model of integrated and continuous care  is now being adopted by most Mental Health Centers in Israel.